Thayne Family

This was one of those session the rain was not welcome! We ended up getting rained out and had to shoot in the studio. If you have been in my studio I really dont have alot of room for 14 people but with a little photoshop magic got a shot of everyone together :)


Unknown said...

So creative! Way to make lemonade!

Rachel said...

That my friend is why you ROCK! :)

Anonymous said...

First of all, I want to tell you I LOVE your work. You are a very talented photographer and I have been following your work for quite some time. I not only follow your blog, but I "Like" your page on Facebook. I am a little disappointed, though, after reading your comment of FB today. Why? Because that was me 2.5 years ago. After the birth of my VERY premature, very sick daughter, my husband went and purchased a professional camera, lenses and photo editing software, so WE could catch our very sick newborns precious moments. My daughter had been transported via life flight from UVRMC to Primary Children's and a day later, on a special charter life flight to Lucille Packard Children's Hospital at Standford University in San Jose, CA. The reason he purchased all the photography equipment was mainly because no one was allowed into our daughter's rooms at either PCMC and LPCH. She had a very rare heart condition which in turn made her VERY succeptable to any and all viruses floating around. We wanted to capture life's precisous moments in our daughter's life. I took thousands of pictures of my duaghter, not to mention other babies there, with consent from parents and nurses. Through this experience with my daughter, I became very passionate about photography. About 6 months after my duaghter was born, healed from 3 open heart surgeries, I started my own photography business. I know I am not the best in the photography industry and there will always be someone better than I. I also know that I still have a lot to learn. But, that's the glory about the photography industry. You don't have to be the best to be good at something you are passionate about. From my perspective, as a professional photographer, so what if someone purchased a nice camera and software to do their wedding pictures or newborns pictures; you don't know THEIR circumstances, their reasoning behind their purchase or doing it themselves. As a professional, you have to be mindful of others and their situations/circumstances regardless of what it is.

Staci said...

That had got to be frustrating... the rain and all. The pictures still turned out great though!

Kellie Larsen said...

Dear Anonymous...
I want to say that I did not mean to offended you. Good for you for finding the passion in photography through a sad situation!

I think that you missed the point that I was making. I didn't not say that I hated or was annoyed by people who buy cameras to capture their kids...I said it made me sad that people think they can buy everything and have the same talent/experience that has taken me 7 yrs to develop.

Almost weekly I get comments from some saying "for that price I could buy a camera and take my own pictures." Or "instead of hiring a wedding photographer I could have my aunt, friend, etc take the pictures she has a nice camera and knows photoshop".

Having the equipment, dare I say is less then half of it. There is talent, vision, knowledge, and experience that all come into play. Everyone starts somewhere, most the Moms I know want to have better pictures of their kids fleeting moments. Who wouldn't? That doesn't mean we all should be professional photographers. There are 5 photographers my small neighborhood alone... 1/3 of my own clients now have business names and profess to be a photographers. 25 of my friends/roommates/family are all in business.

Of course it gets frustrating when they all keep popping up, but that is not my point. I just wish more people saw the difference and respected what we do. It is insulting to have people think that is all it takes is a nice camera and editing program to be a professional.

Never once have I had a client come to me and say I wish we wouldn't have had our babies pictures taken, or I wish I didn't hire you to capture these moments. But I often hear the regret of having their "sister" take some shots, or not getting enough pictures of whatever event they had wanted. I was just trying to explain that is sad to have those memories gone, you don't get a second chance at those moments and hopefully people think and reconsider when choosing whatever photographer they decide to hire.


Anonymous said...

"There are 5 photographers my small neighborhood alone... 1/3 of my own clients now have business names and profess to be a photographers. 25 of my friends/roommates/family are all in business"

and I'm sure you taught them all in your "classes" are you a teacher?

JC Photography said...

I'm one of her old roomates - and it's because of Kellie I decided to jump into photography. She's a complete inspiration to me and has taught me tons over the years. Yes - She is a "teacher" as you've so kindly labeled her. She offers classes all the time. The most important things I've learned in photography have been from her.
Thanks Kellie - I completely agree with you on this.
@ anonymous - She didn't mean this disrespectful in anyway. But she's right. I regret who I hired to take my wedding pictures (sadly it wasn't kellie it was a "sister"). They turned out terrible. They can't be replaced, but THANK HEAVENS we saved a few bucks - NOT! She's referring to situations like mine. It's a huge regret I have. HUGE!
I love that you got a camera and captured your little cutie. Those pictures are priceless. She wasn't referring to your situation. You did exactly what I would have done.
I hope you can realize that she is talking about completely different situations.

Kellie Larsen said...

I am actually a teacher. That is what I got my degree in and was what I did before I was a photographer.

Thank you Jenny for your comments!

Cassidy Legg said...

To this day my husband and I cherish our pics of Kendall as a newborn. Yes it was a lot of money for us when he is still in school, but I would and will do it over and over again. And as soon as we have more money it will be family pics too. Kellie you are amazing at what you do and it is clear that you have the whole package!!

Thank you again for those amazing pictures

Anonymous said...

Well let me ask you this, if you got your degree in teaching did you even take a photography class in college or did you start the same way the rest of us did, wanting to capture beautiful images of our own children?
Also, if you are so frustrated with all the photographers popping up everywhere, why do you teach classes? don't you think you are just contributing to the problem? I guess some people will do anything for a buck.

JC Photography said...

Wow anonymous - apparently Kellie struck a nerve with you. No one is attacking your photography skills so don't attack hers. She's been nothing but kind to you. Your jealousy of her skills doesn't give you the right to come on HER blog and make cheap, catty remarks. Your lack of class is laughable at best!

Why don't you go do something constructive with your time? Oh or better yet - maybe you should sign up for one of her classes and she'll teach you some amazing things. After all she's got the skills and clientele to prove it.

And as you put it "Well let me ask you this...."(dun, dun, dun) If in your opinion you have to have a photography degree to hold a camera I'd like to see a copy of yours honey- otherwise put that camera down. You're not allowed to touch it.

Love ya Kell! lol

Jen (Maddie Lou Beanies) said...

Anonymous, I just have to say you look like a fool. To post this anonymous is cowardly.
I have taken Kellies classes, and would love to one day be a photographer with the talent she has.
I think you are missing the point. Her comment said that she is sad that people don't care that their pictures are not professional. Too many people these days, think they can do everything. They think that if so and so can do it, then so can they. Kellie has a talent that not many people have. There is so much more to it then owning the equipment. Obviously, moments captured in a photograph are important to her. They are important to me, which is why I use her for my pictures, even though I own the equipment, and have been taught by her.
Just like Jenny, I used a friend for my wedding pictures. He actually grew up learning photography, his dad owned a camera store. But he is not a photographer. He did a decent job, but I wish I had hired someone with Kellies talent. That's all she is saying. Those moments that you can't get back, the first week of life, a wedding, or giving birth (which Kellie captured for me) are so special that it is sad that people don't see the difference with what they can do with a camera, and what a professional can do.
I would love to see your work, I think it's funny that you don't dare say who you are. That makes me think you are embarrassed by your work.
♥ u Kell!

Heather said...

How awesome Kell! You are amazing!

Rachel said...

Here is how I see the whole situation. There is obviously a lot of anger and frustration and you are letting it all out here, on another photographers blog. Yes, you are entitled to your opinion but to keep posting on her blog? Anonymously? So she can't just talk to you directly? Seems unfair to me. I have known Kellie for years and we have talked about almost every aspect of photography and owning a business. I can personally vouch for her. She did not mean what you think she said. Yes, she teaches. Does she know that there will be people who come out of that class and open a business? Sure she does. At the same time she is helping people to feel comfortable with their cameras, to capture the moments that we don't want to miss. Can she cram everything she has learned in the last seven years? No way. That is time and experience. There is nothing wrong with you being a photographer. Good for you! You have found something you love. Instead of ripping others down, be inspired. Use it to push you to be better than you are now. I don't know your work (since I don't know who you are) but I know for me that I have a ton of photographers that I look up to, including Kellie. If any one of them had said what Kel had said I would have agreed with them too. I feel you have to push yourself and work hard to get better and better. Take all of that anger and let it push you in a positive direction to excel with your business. Your passion came from your child and your situation. Remember why you got into the business and focus on you. You will get far more out of it that way, I promise.

Anonymous said...

I am the first person to make the Anonymous comment, and I see that I am not alone. Thank you to the other Anonymous poster for your back-up here. I'm glad I'm not heading this alone.
To the rest of you, I NEVER once said Kellie didn't have talent. She has amazing talent, however, she had to start somewhere. Dare I say, she wasn't as good when she started as what she is now? Like she said, it took her "7 years" to gain the experience, know how, knowledge that she has now. I see there are several other professional photographers on this post...did you have the experience, know how, knowledge you have now, when you started? Everyone has to start somewhere.
Kellie, I KNOW what your FB comment meant. I apologize, but I do take offense to that comment, and I KNOW you were not referring to my situation. Realize, however, that maybe it was that one bad choice in who one chooses for their photography, a sad situation like mine, someone who simply loves photography, the list goes on and on as to why so-and-so decided to get into photography. Me, my wedding was actually photographed by a professional photographer who had been doing photography for 15+ years, AND by my sister-in-law who had a point and shoot camera, no focal points to use...her pictures were FAR better than the professional pictures. Do I have regret? No! What's done is done! Like you have all said, there is no going back and change it, so why dwell on it? Learn from it, look at the future, and move on. Did this add to my desire to start my own photography business? Maybe just a little.
@ JC Photography, I don't see where in the third Anonymous post that they say you have to have a "degree" to hold a camera. Correct me if I am wrong Anonymous, but what you are saying is simply, did they take photography classes in college? Me? I did. I took classes both in high school and college, as well as photoshop classes. I don't think it's necessary for anyone on this discussion to see my work, for several reasons. 1. I do not post my work on a blog for the world to see. It is so easy for Joe World to click on that picture, save it and use it for who knows what. It's happened thousands of times, people get exploited and don't even know. 2. Some of the work I do, most parents/couples/individuals, do not want their baby/child's photo's posted on the internet because their child has passed beyond the veil. It is a VERY private and VERY difficult situation for them, I don't want to make things worse. I have a private blog and a website that requires a log-in and a special code to view their photos.
And for the record, I am NOT "cowardly", "jealous" of Kellie's work, nor am I making "cheap, catty remarks". Just like all of you, I am entitled to my opinions, my feelings, my work being kept private, my name being kept private. Also, for the record, I get that you are all Kellie's friends and would stick up for her. But know, I was NOT in ANY WAY attacking Kellie, her talent, or her work. I simply do not agree with her comment. Does that make me a coward or jealous? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! It makes me a human being, a professional, who disagree's with the comment made. Simply put.
@Rachel, I think your comment has been the nicest one on this discussion. And I don't mean Kellie and disrespect, AT ALL. I am completely inspired by Kellie, I have been for quite some time. Like I said before, I do admire Kellie's work. I have been following it for quite some time.

Anonymous said...

I am the first person to make the Anonymous comment, and I see that I am not alone. Thank you to the other Anonymous poster for your back-up here. I'm glad I'm not heading this alone.
To the rest of you, I NEVER once said Kellie didn't have talent. She has amazing talent, however, she had to start somewhere. Dare I say, she wasn't as good when she started as what she is now? Like she said, it took her "7 years" to gain the experience, know how, knowledge that she has now. I see there are several other professional photographers on this post...did you have the experience, know how, knowledge you have now, when you started? Everyone has to start somewhere.
Kellie, I KNOW what your FB comment meant. I apologize, but I do take offense to that comment, and I KNOW you were not referring to my situation. Realize, however, that maybe it was that one bad choice in who one chooses for their photography, a sad situation like mine, someone who simply loves photography, the list goes on and on as to why so-and-so decided to get into photography. Me, my wedding was actually photographed by a professional photographer who had been doing photography for 15+ years, AND by my sister-in-law who had a point and shoot camera, no focal points to use...her pictures were FAR better than the professional pictures. Do I have regret? No! What's done is done! Like you have all said, there is no going back and change it, so why dwell on it? Learn from it, look at the future, and move on. Did this add to my desire to start my own photography business? Maybe just a little.
@ JC Photography, I don't see where in the third Anonymous post that they say you have to have a "degree" to hold a camera. Correct me if I am wrong Anonymous, but what you are saying is simply, did they take photography classes in college? Me? I did. I took classes both in high school and college, as well as photoshop classes. I don't think it's necessary for anyone on this discussion to see my work, for several reasons. 1. I do not post my work on a blog for the world to see. It is so easy for Joe World to click on that picture, save it and use it for who knows what. It's happened thousands of times, people get exploited and don't even know. 2. Some of the work I do, most parents/couples/individuals, do not want their baby/child's photo's posted on the internet because their child has passed beyond the veil. It is a VERY private and VERY difficult situation for them, I don't want to make things worse. I have a private blog and a website that requires a log-in and a special code to view their photos.
And for the record, I am NOT "cowardly", "jealous" of Kellie's work, nor am I making "cheap, catty remarks". Just like all of you, I am entitled to my opinions, my feelings, my work being kept private, my name being kept private. Also, for the record, I get that you are all Kellie's friends and would stick up for her. But know, I was NOT in ANY WAY attacking Kellie, her talent, or her work. I simply do not agree with her comment. Does that make me a coward or jealous? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! It makes me a human being, a professional, who disagree's with the comment made. Simply put.
@Rachel, I think your comment has been the nicest one on this discussion. And I don't mean Kellie and disrespect, AT ALL. I am completely inspired by Kellie, I have been for quite some time. Like I said before, I do admire Kellie's work. I have been following it for quite some time.

Kellie Larsen said...

Then why not just talk to me by email? Why cause a big scene? Im not an ignorant person by any means. I would be happy to just talk about the subject one on one. Had I known you during your situation I would still be sad that you didnt get professional pictures done (esp by me ;) Im not mad at anyone for choosing what who they do for a photographer. I know there are un-known reasons, and I know that there is a price point for everyone. I honestly dont understand why my comment offened you so much.

To answer the other questions, yes I took photography classes during college and after, I also mentored, and did online classes. When my kids were born I became addicted to it and I did and still do alot of studing and classes to improve my talent. I repect the need and want to capture moments.

I started teaching because there was a need for it, clients would come to me with cameras and ask how to use them... and I love teaching esp something that I am so passionate about!

I think that is all I need to say. I would appriciate your respect by contacting me personally with anything more you need to say. Please just give me the same respect I have given you.

Thank you!
