Mine on Monday-Kase and Mac

Kase was not happy I wanted to do pictures...he actually had a melt down and screamed at me which just made me laugh. He said
"I wish you were NEVER a photographer, I hate that you take pictures!"
"Oh well, we are are doing them anyway Kase."
After we were done, he sat down to look at them and got all teary eyed. He has asked me everyday if I have edited them because he really wants me to print some out for him.
Funny such a dramatic reaction to pictures he will always love.
There is a reason I am a photographer...it is to get moments like this with my kids.


Heather said...

Oh kel! that is SO sweet. These are beautiful!

Susan E said...

super cute :)

Staci said...

How sweet. Brothers... LOVE it!
