So it is true there is indeed a little person inside of me again!
The question of the year seems to be...was it planned? um NO do you think I am insane??!
I absolutely adored having two kiddos, felt good about having one of each, but also felt like something was missing. To our disappointment getting preggo after Macie wasn't easy. So we stopped trying and 7 yrs later along came McKai. He has been the Icing on the cake. SO perfect, SO happy....and now with another one coming...I guess it will be a little bit of craziness mixed in with the perfect!
congrats again!!! Can't wait to find out what the sex is. I hope its a girl for Miss Macie.
Oh I am so excited for you, yay!! I understand about the suprise though, we thought that little miss Makenna (# 7) was our caboos, well our caboos is coming in December in the form of a boy, now we will be even, 4 boys 4 girls!! Cant get much more perfect then that! So when is this little one supposed to his/her entrance?? Do tell!
Congratulations Kellie!! I totally understand the craziness mixed with perfection. :) So excited for you.
A big congrats to you kellie. You can do it - four really isn't all that bad - just a tid bit crazy at times :)
Congratulations! Sounds crazy for sure but you're a great mama so this baby will be lucky!
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