Last Minute Christmas Gifts...

We still have a couple frames left from Dickens, if you are in need of a gift they might be perfect plus they are waaay cheap :) If you want to purchuse a frame email me ( and I will send a paypal invoice over. thanks! 8x10-fire truck red
11x14 Avery Frame, Color: Sweet Pea

8x12 (skinny)Camo Frame

8x10 Damask, Color: Vanilla and Celestial

8x10 Damask (skinny), Color: Metallic and Black

8x12 Striped frame

20x30 Kambrie, Color: Jade and Sweet Pea
w Mirror $125
w/out $75

20x30 Kambrie, Color: Princess and Sweet Pea (not pictured)
w Mirror $125
w/out $75

11x14 Kambrie, Color: Espresso and Celestial

8x10 Delanie, Color: Sweet Pea
5x5 Delanie, Color: you choose

8x10 Sophie Frame, Color: Espresso and Sweet Pea
8x10 Sophie Frame, Color: Blackberry and Princess
8x10 Sophie Frame, Color: Black and Raspberry

5x7 (chunky) Frame, Color: Princess and Espresso
5x5 frame, Color: Espresso and Sweet Pea
8x10(chunky), Color: Ocean and Espresso

8x10 Sophie, Color: Daisy and Princess


*We are also extending the custom frame sale untill the end of the month :)
All custom orders are 40% off
Merry Christmas!


Valerie said...

Kelli, Hey I would like the
8x10 Damask, Color: Vanilla and Celestial
8x10 Damask (skinny), Color: Metallic and Black
both please :)
Oh and for some dumb reason I can't get my outlook to work so it won't let me e-mail you. But here is my e-mail,

Let me know if those two are still available
thanks -val

Mom of Mix Kids said...

Oooh! How did I not see this sooner?!?! That frame with my belly in it is the one I wanted at the Dickens :( Of course it would be sold. It's so beautiful.

K, let me see if I can pick another one though.

Mom of Mix Kids said...

I want them all! Justin knows that I am an addict for your frames.
